Turkısh Cologne against Covid-19

Turkısh Cologne against Covid-19

Cologne (in Turkish Kolonya) is one of the essential elements of Turkısh Culture since the Ottoman Period.
In Turkey, offering Cologne to guests is an ongoing tradition since those times.
Also in lots of restaurants offer Cologne at the gates of their toilet.
In the bathrooms of the houses again we see Colgne everywhere.
Turkısh people take Cologne as a gift when going to hospital visits.

Traditional Cologne is with lemon flavor, but now there are many different flavors like jasmine, lavender, tobacco, and more.

80% of Turkısh Cologne is Alcohol. Because of the alcohol ingredient in the Turkısh Cologne, ıt is now used as a disinfectant against Coronavirus. When the Pandemic began in Turkey, the most wanted product was Cologne in the
markets. Everybody has a bottle of Cologne in their bag nowadays. You can see different uses of it.
